
We generally run works groups on the 2nd saturday’s of the month from 9.30-12.30 . We always welcome new volunteers.

Please contact Steve Parkes on 07770 840156 or parkes.steve@hotmail.co.uk if you would like to attend

Spring and Summer we tend to concentrate on removing the invasive Himalayan balsam – its very easy to pull the plants up, but we still have quite a lot of it. We also clear growth around newly planted trees and shrubs and keep the pathways clear.

Autumn and Winter is busy with cutting back brambles, hawthorns and sycamores to keep the clearings open and create new ones. We also maintain the bird and bat boxes.

We will often start /end the work days with a walk around the reserve recording species of note and identifying work for future dates

Children are welcome if they are accompanied by an adult

If you are interested come and give it a go and, where necessary, appropriate training will be given. No previous experience is necessary.

Please contact Steve Parkes on 07770 840156 or use the following form: